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"ASK BIG JOURNAL" is the perfect 21 DAY prayer journal to quench your appetite of faith; to cause you to be bold enough to go beyond the boundaries of your fear, and leap into a limitless season of faith to receive whatsoever you ask for. Not only ask for it, but ASK BIG.

The ASK BIG 50 page planner/journal is filled empowering tools to encourage you to ASK BIG for the dreams, visions and things you desire and deserve according to  Matthew 7:7

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”








#ASKBIGSUMMIT (click now to follow our ASK BIG PAGE)



  • Terms and Conditions Your order with Dr. Yvonne Capehart Ministries has given our office permission to charge your credit card for the services requested. 

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